About Us
Welcome to The United Methodist Church in Sergeantsville, NJ

Welcome Friends
We, the people and friends of the United Methodist Church of Sergeantsville, New Jersey, believe no greater call to action exists than the call to love the Lord with all our hearts and with all our souls and with all our minds and to love one another as the Lord first loved us.
We believe the life and ministry of our church exists for no higher purpose than to magnify God’s love for the world and to share that love with neighbors near and far.
We are a small community church located in the rural Delaware Valley of northwestern New Jersey. We feel that a worship community growing in faith and love is more important than a church that is simply growing in numbers.
You are invited to worship with us in person any Sunday morning at 10:00 AM or you may view the service as available on this website on Sunday afternoons.
Our Vision
We are a church of prayer and mission. We are committed to being a loving church, spiritually nurturing to ourselves and the community by serving enthusiastically and living our faith in Jesus Christ.
Our Story
On December 22, 1838, fifty-three years, eleven months and twenty-seven days after the organization of the Methodist Christian Conference in the City of Baltimore, the church of Sergeantsville was dedicated.
Rev. P.C. Bascom ca. 1887
Sergeantsville acquired its official name and post office in the middle of nineteenth century. It was named for the family of John Sergent, the local blacksmith. The people believed their newly named community should have a place of worship. A tract of land was conveyed by deed by Henry H Fisher to Amos Hoagland, Amos Marseilles, Samuel Case, Ambrose Barcroft and Jonathan Rake for church purposes. In 1830 a meeting was held in the home of Amos Hoagland and it was in his living room before a great fireplace that the spiritual life of our Methodist Church took root. Since then every faithful member of this church became a link in the spiritual chain of life that has nurtured us through the decades.
In 1838 the Society built a church of stone on the site of the present edifice. As the membership grew and the church prospered, the Society found it necessary to enlarge the church. Between 1865 and 1867 the building was enlarged. The rear and side walls remained as they as they stood with a new addition constructed on the front facing the street. This new space, which provided an entry foyer with a balcony above brought the sanctuary to its present dimensions, was dedicated in January of 1868. Construction began an a long anticipated parsonage in 1883. Brother A.L. Smith moved in and dedicated the new home with a prayer meeting.
The twentieth century saw continued progress. In 1920 the church trustees purchased the hotel in the center of Sergeantsville. The first floor had sufficient space to accommodate church dinners and the second floor served as an auditorium. Electricity came to Sergeantsville in 1924 and was put into the church soon thereafter. In 1929 the beautiful stained glass windows were added.
In 1948 the trustees sold the former hotel Sergeantsville to the Township of Delaware where it would house the offices of Delaware Township. The church trustees then purchased the property located next to our sanctuary for the construction of the parish hall in 1948. In 1972 the parish hall was enlarged to provide additional storage and more convenient restroom facilities all on one floor. In the summer of 1988 the sanctuary roof was rebuilt and its supporting timbers were strengthened. The project was complete when the steeple from Campbellsville Industries of Campbellsville, Kentucky, was installed. In 2001 a major project designed to provide handicapped parking and barrier-free access to church facilities on the main floor was completed.
In 1985 the family of Mary Pichaz donated an acre of land behind the church to be used for recreation and worship. On this land now stands the Olsen Children’s Pavilion constructed and dedicated in 2000.
Our Leadership Team
Senior Pastor – Reverend Peter K Mantell pastorpmantell@gmail.com
Associate Pastor – Reverend Gwiseok Lee pastorgslee@gmail.com
Pastor Emerita – Reverend Caroline Smallwood
Minister of Music – Kristen Todd
Administrative Assistant – Judy Floyd
Videographic Services – Dan Bush
Artistic Designer – Ken Vieth
Floral Designer – Sue Miller
Lay Member to Annual Conference – Debra Mueller
Lay Servant Ministers: Debra Mueller, Dan Bush and Kristina Shebchuk
For Staff Biographies, Click here
Our Methodist Legacy
Our forefathers left us a sacred trust; Impervious to wind, rain or rust.
Born of thankful hearts and willing hands, Thus church of stone in triumph stands.
Its walls reverberating with the sound Of hymns and prayers and sermons profound.
A comfort to all who come and pray; Believing God’slove will guide our way.
To the twenty-first century we proceed Keeping faith-in love, in word and deed.
Ruth O. Pearson c. 1982